Diagnostic Biosensors, LLC
1712 Brook Ave SE
Minneapolis, MN 55414
United States
ph: (+011) 612-331-3584
Specification Sheet for Microfluidic Biosensor Prototype:
Prototype Announcement 5-24-2010
We are actively developing compact and user-friendly biosensor reader
instrumentation. The plug-and-play format, along with low power requirements, are ideal for Point-of-Use Diagnostic Applications.
Our products meet some requirements of published microfluidics interface standards (see 2011 SEMI Standards). Our company has played a leading role in the development of these standards. We provide design services so clients can benefit from
manufacturing and design interface standards.
Consumable Integrated Biosensor Technology
Our biosensor integration technology enables micro-miniaturized bioassay detection systems. Sample handling can be either lateral flow membranes, or microfluidics. These quantitative biosensors are both highly sensitive and inexpensive because the detectors are
tiny integrated circuit chips. The sensors detect and quantify micromagnetic labels that are biochemically bound to analytes of interest, including DNA, proteins, cells, bacteria, and antibodies. SINGLE BEAD DETECTION is possible. We are developing products and technology in the following areas:
-Magnetic sensors for lateral flow strips and immunoassays
-MEMS - Microfluidics cartridges
-Detection of single magnetic labels / labeled cells in flow
-Credit card-like scan of biochemically bound magnetic microlabels
-Microarray detection of biochemically bound magnetic microlabels
-Microscale tools for concentrating and manipulating magnetic microlabels
Copyright 2017 Diagnostic Biosensors, LLC. All rights reserved.
Diagnostic Biosensors, LLC
1712 Brook Ave SE
Minneapolis, MN 55414
United States
ph: (+011) 612-331-3584